is going to remain low, why not try to help it grow? isn't that better for everybody? >> it is. but the challenge here is that you have to have the right kinds of growth and in the right kinds of ways. what we've been seeing over the past decade or the past three decades is that they have been stagnant so they're not actually participating in the growth. so we're seeing corporate profits rise considerably, but that's not coming down to workers because wages are stuck. until we get the wages unstuck and people can participate more in the growth, then we get to the place where we want to be where we're having growth and everybody is happy. >> susan, i want to talk about something where if you're out in the world and you talk to workers and folks who have been laid off, you actually see something that truly exists. it happened after the economic downturn. a lot of people were let go. businesses held on to their capital and they haven't put it back in. i want to read something from reuters. companies around the world held $7 trillion of cash equivalents on their balance sheets at the end of 2013, more than twice the level of ten years ago. capital expenditure rels