that's $6500 you can put into this ira. you can also put about $5500 for everyone else. the other thing to think about is ira rollovers because you may have money in the ira fund and you may want to take it out tax-free in retirement. you will have to pay taxes up front on the money, but you can take it out after 59 1/2 tax free. the roth ira rolling over from a traditional to a roth irs is something some people want to consider. and there's another break for seniors that is really only for them this year, if you're 65 or older in terms of medical expense deductions. you need to have 7.5% of your gross income, the threshold you have to reach to claim that deduction. for everyone else, it's 10%, the threshold is much higher. so seniors need to realize they can still take advantage of the lower threshold in terms of claiming the deduction for their medical expenses, which is as health care costs rise, very important to be able to do. >> great advice, sharon. thank you for coming in. >> my pleasure.