strong following but not enough to become a nominee? >> but the establishment, that was the other story of cpac, the establishment, nowhere to be found. >> although the response to chris christie could have been much worse, given what we know about the audience and chris christie's position. it was decent, polite to warm in various ways. >> the enemy of their enemy, though, is their friend. >> that's not an establishment audience. let's take that as a given. >> dan balls. there is no front-runner, good for you. trivia time, it's the colorado state capitol building that sits exactly one mile above sea mile. exactly, 5,280 feet. congratulations to today's winner, g 74, or gdog74. we'll be right back. for the little mishaps you feel use neosporin to help you heal. it kills germs so you heal four days faster. neosporin. use with band-aid brand bandages.

Related Keywords

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