and get your decision reversed and then if not, they are going to sue because procedure was not followed, not consulted. >> isn't it a little ironic that, obviously, there are space constraints and tradeoffs and so forth. then when it comes to raising a little bit of revenue by people at the very top of the income distribution, that is also when -- if we go back to what we were talking about just a few minutes ago, these space constraints wouldn't be so tight. the challenges of special need students and charter schools wouldn't be so strong if a little bit of money were put into the school system and when people at the very top of the income distribution are given a free pass or asked for a free pass, that's a problem. >> o no, no, no, no, no. >> it is a problem when we have when we have, as of yesterday, the new "forbes" issue, the amount of money that is available for this, it's really