clothes, then rifles through the belongings of their teenage daughter and the woman who lives in the home. >> he then leaves the neighbor's home, enters the off-campus apartment building, takes a computer, and leaves, without a stitch of clothing. neighbors can't believe the man they've known for years now has a bum rap. >> i'm shocked, really. i'm kind of happy that we know who it is and that, you know, he's going to be put away, you hope anyway. and it's a little disturbing that he lives right next door to me. >> we hear it all the time. quiet guy, see him every day. we had no idea. >> do you have anything to say? >> michael victor pleads guilty to burglary, attempted burglary, indecent exposure, and criminal mischief. in april 2010 he's sentenced to 11 to 23 months in prison. >> he said he has some severe issues to deal with and he's in the process of dealing with those now, and he's going to upon release enter facility so that he can deal with the issue. he's very sorry, and he's going to take action to make sure