write off all these expenses. i think every dollar they spend on the republican party is good for their business. tax write-offs, oil and gas industry, the whole deal. this is economic investment for these guys, isn't it? >> i don't think so. >> they're not doing it for ideological reasons, are they? >> i don't know them individually. i think they're actually patriotic. i think they actually believe in america. i think they actually believe in free enterprise. i think they believe in freedom. those are the things that harry reid doesn't seem to believe in. that's why he is upset. >> i think harry reid is a guy who pulled them up by his bootstraps and he believes in this country implicitly. anyway, here is harry reid taking on the koch brothers. according to "the new york times," by the way, since september, americans for prosperity, a group financed in part by the billionaire koch brothers has spent an estimated $20 million on television advertising, since september. look at this. groups backed by the koch brothers are airing ads literally thousands of times against vulnerable democrat incumbents. look at these numbers. they pay for over 3,000 ad spots attacking senator kay hagan, a democrat in north carolina who is a senator there. they financed more than one thousand ad spots against marry landrieu in louisiana. nearly 700 against senator mark begich. this saturation campaign adding, do you think that's good for