any other word that's associated with it in the modern mind. tammany hall was corruption. it was thuggery. it was all sorts of stuff. what else was it that people should know about it that they forget? >> it was about social reform. tammany was about minimum wage, making live easier for immigrants. tammany hall was a voice for the voiceless. it was a friend for the friendless. and that part of tammany's history which was so important in understanding how immigrants became americans, how the working poor took a step up the ladder, that's tammany's story. >> tammany hall wanted power, they wanted power and they believed in a democracy, the way for them to hold that power is to serve that population that is providing the majority of votes. and that was an underclass that was providing those votes. >> that's right. tammany represented the butcher, the bark, the candlestick maker. the lee et, the republicans, the