legislation, i thought we declared all that to be unconstitutional, illegal. a lot of people are having a hard time dealing with change, so, i think forcing people to confront the fact that that is bigotry is important but i think we need to realize, not everybody reached this point. look how fast the lgbt movement moved. there are people still left behind that don't get the change. they are still adjusting to it and they have to adjust to it. the culture wars are over. i think a lot of people haven't figured that out yet. >> you have a few shows under your belt. what might people expect to happen? >> we are trying to do a lot of things. one of the challenges we have given ourselves is to have a two-way conversation with the audience. it's not that easy to do. there's the traditional mean of tv and cable news. then you have another world out there, the social media world. you have to incorporate that. we are trying to find ways to do that in a way that is organic, not just asking a question and