his three colleagues for flipping, oh, we didn't realize this was anti-gay, people stood up on the floor and made these arguments ad nauseam it would be bad for gays and flowed out of this new mexico case. much hay was made of that. it's a little bit -- i'm torn. on the one hand i'd say it's great you're acknowledging this. on the other hand, all these arguments were put before you. it's disingenuous to say, i'm shocked that this is going to hurt gay people. >> ted, how do you think around this conscience of questions? there's some idea in which we say we don't want the state to coerce people into doing something that violates some sacred inner part of them yet at the same time, we all meet each other in the marketplace and doesn't seem like we should allow the first amendment to sort of act as a kind of carveout for folks to willy-nilly impose, you know, confessional grudges against people they think are skizmatic or personal prejudice. >> first let me say i did not watch the arizona legislature debates. that would have been a couple hours of nigh life i would have