which is why -- >> but the principles -- >> davsd david, it's important to understand this. i think folks need to understand. which is why we have tried to pursue a diplomatic resolution, not because we're naive and think there isn't a real hot war on the ground. but at the end of the day, unless and until there's a political situation, this thing is not going to be resolved. it's not going to be resolved on the battlefield. so we've been pursuing multiple -- >> you say that you met with intelligence chiefs from the region, the saudis and others who want more lethal aid provided to the rebels to tip the balance and actually take assad out. is the u.s. prepared to escalate on the ground to achieve a different result on the battlefield? >> the united states is actively supporting the moderate opposition with material support, with political support. and that support is increasing, david. and we're doing it in consultation and in coordination with countries in the region. we're also the largest supplier of humanitarian assistance. and yesterday, because of u.s. leadership and that of other partners, we were able to get a resolution in the yunited natios