its own. they told us what it was like to spend 23 hours a day in a windowless concrete cell, sometimes for years at a time. >> it's like you're always trying to find a way to come up for air. this place suffocates you. you know what i'm saying? >> it's a tomb for me. you know? it's like a tomb. it's like a tomb, a concrete tomb. what if they would have sent these punk ass dudes to -- and he would have succeeded in killing them, right? >> during our first day on the shu, we walked into a heated exchange about murder. >> what you saying about the killer? you saying both killer. >> but it wasn't about prison violence. >> showed up, saying that macbeth sent him. >> it was about shakespeare. >> it was really bizarre. because the inmates are not allowed out of their cells. so they're having this lively conversation through the pie flaps in their doors, but other than that, it was like being in a college classroom, listening to a literary debate.