have a certain amount of money they can allocate to raise people. when you raise the minimum wage, you less the amount of people. the cbo said there would be 500,000 less jobs. >> according to a university of berkeley and university of illinois study as well, 5 2% of families of food stamp workers receive assistance from a public program like medicaid or food stamps. by companies paying lower wages, isn't the company picking up the difference? >> well, look, you've got to understand, what we need to do for somebody earning minimum wage and wants to move up the economic ladder, we need to make sure we get the education and empowerment in order to move forward. it's not about suppressing people but it is about giving people as a starting point in their life. i don't want them sitting there the entire career. i want the jobs and training they need in order to excel. but you look to our own state of utah, we have one of the lowest