michaels or his brother, jeff michaels who is a powerful lobbyist in new jersey who was also mentioned in steve's report. the executive director of the port authority has now asked the port authority inspector general and the port authority police chief to investigate the role of at least that one port authority police officer who apparently drove around david wildstein on the first morning of the closures. other reporting tonight suggests that the new internal port authority investigation may be broader than just that one officer, that it may be a wider look at the role of port authority police on the bridge that day and their role in the overall scheme. during the bridge lane closures, the mayor of ft. lee, this was on thursday of the week that the bridge lanes were shut down, so this is day four, on thursday the 9th of -- excuse me, the 12th of september, the mayor of ft. lee wrote to the port authority pleading for help. pleads. it has been four days of this in our town. we are totally gridlocked. commutes that should take minutes are taking hours. kids cannot get to school.