through trial and error, painted bubbles. >> also caught on camera, he wows his gallery audience by creating a massive painting on traditional paper using a very unconventional brush. >> translator: when i'm painting a large goldfish, i can see a large goldfish swimming and it's as if i've caught it with my broom, like it's right here. it's fishing within the surface of the paper. and when i've caught a glimpse of it and caught it, that's when i put my brush to work. >> his passion for goldfish and their beauty withstands the test of time. despite the eye-bending realism of his creations, he modestly believes he has not yet achieved perfection. >> translator: i realize the goldfish is something incredibly important to us japanese. it carries many messages. how would i call it? identity. i want to keep doing this in this style until a beautiful goldfish is born. z a triple homicide caught on camera. >> it's 22 minutes, seems like 22 hours. >> taking the tech nine in the back of the head of all three victims. >> they killed them all. >> a young suspect sentenced to death. >> i'm looking at it and i'm like, i'm being charged with this? i didn't do it. why should i beg for my life for something i didn't do? >> does the tape save or condemn him. >> his face screamed guilt from day one. he is a murderer. >> "caught on camera" presents, "murder on tape." july 27th, 1994, three people murdered in a home invasion in south florida. what t going to break in and kill you? >> deborah's sister, sharon anderson and her friend, marie rogers are the two wo moments before they are attacked and tied up.