a sponge sucks up water? and it's kind of sitting in there seeping out. that's why we see a nondetect in a school and the next day we see a detect at a school. the epa said at a press conference here, oh, we have a stud ty that shows that won't happen. we asked them for a copy of the study and they haven't given it to us. >> wow. it is an upsetting thing that happened, but to hear that even at the federal level, the response 30 days out, or a month out, is still that from the people who ought to know how serious this is and what a national concern this is. it's just -- it's very upsetting. ken ward, reporter for west virginia's "charleston gazette." your reporting on this has been very aggressive and very informative and to let the rest country know what's going on, ken. thanks for your reporting thanks for being with us. >> to uh. >> so welcome to russia, everybody. and by everybody, obviously i don't mean quite a few of you. hold on, that's coming up. [ woman #1 ] why do i cook?