>> you know it's against the law what you're [ bleep ] doing, bitch. >> you have to prepare to be disrespected, you know. you have to be prepared to be called names. >> lock him up. >> you have to be prepared for the violence. you may have to break up a fight which didn't have anything to do with you but then you're obligated to protect life. if there's a fight between two inmates and if it's in -- let's just say it's in the housing unit. one officer in the housing unit. number one, you'd call for assistance. that's the first thing, get some assistance. two, tell the guys to stop. and the third thing is to use a chemical agent to break it up. >> when proper procedures aren't followed, it's the officers in danger. >> we were preparing to do an institutional count bed check. over the in-house radio we had came a what we call code blue,