the officer observed inmate bobby gilbert repeatedly throw an object against his cell door window, causing the window to crack and shatter. bobby, the punishment for room 69, destroying state property, is 30 days disciplinary seg and refer to "i" and "i." whenever "i" and "i" picks you up, you know i can't control that. do you understand? >> yep. >> do you wish to plead guilty or not guilty? >> guilty as sin. >> bobby, can you read and write and understand what's going on? >> on a third grade level, absolutely. it ain't no drastic change. you know, they take most of your property, put it in the property room. you're just allowed certain things. can't have a radio. that's basically the only thing you lose. >> i can't believe that my son ended up in a place like where he's at. >> in exchange for an eventual transfer, bobby has agreed to take anger management classes.