politicians. >> the port authority has become politicized, that is someone giving political answers. >> the port authority has always been political. our team, new jersey team, versus their team, the new york team -- when you go to washington you see him argue against his own state senator that's getting the money for the project was more weird than the binder they had. >> if you didn't know the binder was there beforeis hand, you knew that day. >> a lot of gray in politics. it can be tough to tell what side you're on. sometimes it's very obvious when you've crossed the line and that's a theme that keeps coming up. i want to thank andrea bernstein, brian murphy and jim mcqueeny. also congressman frank pallone. no, he's sticking around. today we've been discussing the state of new jersey. next we will turn to the state of the union. stay with us. at farmers, we make you smarter about insurance. because what you don't know, can hurt you.