splintered while he deals with all of the subpoenas back home, and if it affects the way he governs new jersey that affects the record he has to run on if running for president. >> we reported on this show where, this might have affected -- a whole debate that goes back and forth between unnamed christie people and unnamed romney people about why wasn't christie actually on the ticket in 2012? the christie like the story out there, because of these sec rules. security and exchange commission rules making it impossible. would have had to resign as governor to raise wall street money, big money for the campaign. this supposedly would get in his way in 2016. an expect in new jersey, a re-elected chris christie would resign as governor within two years to run nationally. it now, if the national campaign is taken off the table, this is a guy with four more years left in new jersey. >> the party has had this problem. very like schizophrenic almost. remember in 2012, every week was