with the leadership from siemens. they're in north carolina. they had a clear message for us, that the types of things the president's doing makes it more likely they'll make states like north carolina an export hubs to create jobs. when people start looking at the actual job impact, i think we'll get more support for some of the type of agreements, particularly where we're having a higher focus on making sure it protects labor, protects jobs, protects environmental standards. >> but it's an uphill battle? it's san uphill battle, though, isn't it? >> it's always difficult, but it oflten gets done. and the key then, people understand it's part of a pro-growth jobs agenda. i think the manufacturing, innovation institute that the president is doing today, and we'll have two more announcements on in the following weeks, is the type of thing that shows we're about creating jobs here. and one of the positive things you'll hear the president talk about today, we've had more manufacturing job growth in this recovery than any of the previous recoveries and more