if you can imagine that, and refuses to raise their wages. people who look at people who have been looking for jobs, can't get them, and say, well, after all, we don't want to encourage them to stay on the dolls like most people want to do that. so we really have to push back against this. we have to understand and we have to teach our kids and our community and tell our political leaders that we want a society where everybody has a fair chance. >> stephanie coontz, professor of family studies, thank you so much for coming on. >> my pleasure, thank you. maria shriver will be on andrea mitchell reports today with more on the report and why women in poverty lead shorter lives on average. today's tweet of the day comes from think progress, which tweeted out a link to an article saying, "fact, 2.3 million children live with unemployed parents who were just cut off from benefits." it's hip-hop. for cross-country, classical. and for jumps, i need something...special.