peril. the message of this report is to women, as well, to say you must think of yourself as providers, not being provided for. you've got to stay in school. you have got to get your education. delay family planning as long as you can because those are prime indicators of ending up on the brink. >> we were talking about men's and women's roles changing in society and we'll do that and have that larger conversation because it's so interesting and so important. but this is -- this plays a role, right, in a huge way and how for one thing how women negotiate some of these difficulties at work with a tough schedule or not a lot of levera leverage. these are women leaning in and not stuck. >> these are women who feel like they don't have a foundation on stand on. they don't want to be told to reez for the suite. they don't have a foundation. two thirds of all worker that is are minimum wage are women. 70% of those women don't have one sick day. and the poll that we did which