a hastily called press conference that took place late in the day on tuesday august 12th, 2013. tuesday, august 12th, 2013. late in the day. the governor blows up at senate democrats. yanks the judgeship of a supreme court justice and calls the senate democrats animals. it's not just a justice he admires and a republican on the state supreme court. it is the wife of one of his key staffers. he is outraged at senate democrats. late in the day, august 12th. and it is the next morning at 7:34 in the morning on august 13th that his deputy chief of staff gives the go-ahead to the port authority. "time for some traffic problems in ft. lee." go to the list of legislative districts for the state of new jersey. find ft. lee. ft. lee, new jersey, legislative district 37. who represents district 37? they have two members of the state assembly. and the leader of the senate democrats.