of uninsured citizens than other districts where people -- so the word -- they're going to start feeling this. they're going to start hearing this. they're going to start realizing that they're out of step with their base that way. joan's exactly right. >> we have to wrap it up. but i just want to point out we're approaching the 50 year anniversary of the war on poverty. and the greatest anti-poverty program, and older people know this better than anybody is social security. we should always remember that was the platform from which the whole safety net began. anybody out there over 65 knows how important the -- rather social security benefits are to your retirement plan, and without it, think where you would be, without them as a big building block, and sometimes the only building block. thank you very much senator sherrod brown of ohio and joan walsh. coming up, the republicans aren't just playing defense on unemployment and minimum wage. they still have the fever called for obama derangement syndrome, which is destroy the health care law, repress the minority vote, turn barack obama into something