the senate whether republicans object to it in principle or whether they want it paid for. do you understand what your colleagues are demanding and why they're actually obstructing it? because it remains unclear to me. >> you hear it both ways. some of them are just basically of the belief that a person who doesn't have a job is just lazy. and the only way to get that person up and moving is to stop giving them a helping hand. whether it's food stamps, which they don't like, either, or unemployment benefits. and then there are others who use the pay form, i'm not going to question their sincerity. but when it comes to tax extenders, the breaks in the tax code for corporations to move jobs oversea, you know, year after year they say, no, you don't have to pay for those. so there's a dual standard here. >> what happens next? today's vote, i think was a little bit of a surprise, it was unclear whether we were going it get the votes. what happens next? >> well, a couple republican votes surprised us today and kept the issue alive. there will be a vote to move it forward in debate tomorrow. by the end of the week, there's going to be a test vote. we need 6 0 votes to go forward