from that court that's hearing that hugely important texas case. but if that court does, as expected, rule in favor of the state of texas, if that court does say that texas can restrict abortion rights the way it wants to, that ruling, a ruling like that would conflict directly with the other federal appeals courts in other jurisdictions that have ruled the other way on that exact same question. and that cannot stand. right? conflicting decisions on an issue like this can't stand. with republicans pushing laws like this as far and as fast as they can all over the country, shutting down clinics with laws like this can't be federally constitutional in one place and federally unconstitutional in another place. at that point, someone's going to have to decide. these guys are going to have to decide. and depending on that texas ruling that we're all waiting for now, the day when it goes to these guys should be coming very, very soon. watch this space.