people say that meant most to them personally, care about people like me, that question. it's always a very important question, it's more important than ideology sometimes with swing voters, and you thought 47% he lost touch with that. explain. >> yeah, and i think the important part was not just it was politically inappropriate, something he shouldn't have said out in public, but something that really the campaign shouldn't have thought. and my point was going back and doing research, back to 1980, because i think many in the romney camp tried to parallel their campaign very much like the reagan campaign in 1980 against jimmy carter thinking, you just make it a referendum on the incumbent, the economy is so bad, voters will put someone in new, and what they missed was reagan had an aspirational message, and i listed some in my book a reagan speech in 1980, if you're living in poverty, we'll lift you out of it. we want to give you hope not based on the government but on the optimism of the american