ease restrictions on so-called junk insurance plans as a way to disrupt the law. and that didn't work. so today party leadership outlined a new strategy for 2014. according to a party memo from house majority leader eric cantor, the plan is to introduce legislation to, quote, strengthen security requirements of the website including a law to require the government to publicly disclose every time personal information is compromised. cms put out a response to cantor telling him if you're looking for smoke, keep looking. quote, today there have been no successful security attack on healthcare.gov and no person or group has maliciously accessed personally identifiable information from the site. meanwhile, there are signs the battle will soon shift to the local level including ad blitzes and legal challenges. which begs the question is the republican party signaling a retreat or just a different kind of assault when it comes to health care? the most important issue of 2014. joy reid is an msnbc contributor