and the mail man picks it up. i don't leave the shop anymore. [ male announcer ] get a 4 week trial plus $100 in extras including postage and a digital scale. go to and never go to the post office again. all throughout denver, marijuana buyers stood in long lines and happily waited hours for their first chance to legally buy, over a counter, instead of in a back alley. >> and nobody's going to jail. that's the cool part. >> joining me now, va nita gupta, legal director of the american civil liberties, and ethan label, director of the drug policy alliance. ethan, you've been working for this day, toward this day, on this issue for, if i am not mistaken, decades. did you ever think you would see the kind of footage we're seeing coming out of colorado? >> well, of course! it was just a matter of time. the question is, when was it actually going to happen? but seeing what happened in