what is it that you can tell us about new jersey that makes it so susceptible today, what are the other states that will be hardest hit and why? >> that's a good question. new jersey is a high state with unemployment. some of the other states, california is home to most. new york is next. nevada is up there. florida is up there. a lot of the states that will be most agent. ed are states affected by the housing bust, so. >> and this is something as the year goes on, there will be several waves of this, we were talking 1.3 million now as people hit the 26-week mark, there will be more. are there other states as the year goes on, will this map look different? >> yeah, pretty much every state. be i the end of the first half of the year, it's going to be another i think 1.8 million. by the end of the year totally, it will be several million more, in fact. >> susie. >> yeah. this sort of points out to the fact that this is happening and is having outside influence on