that much of writing on the wall, that marriage equality is something we're going to see within our lifetimes. but quicker than we ever imagined. it's very exciting to watch this unfold. >> you know, igor, that's an important point. just last week, you know, new mexico became the 17th state where same-sex couples could marry. now a judge has made it possible in utah. i just want to say that again. utah. the idea that you've got that going on in a red state, does have a highly symbolic importance. at the same time -- we know there is a legal fight going on in that state. what's the status of that? >> now it's going to go to the supreme court, and they're going to have to make some kind of decision. you know, the justices, i think, who decided on doma over the summer, a big ruling saying the federal government can't discriminate against gay people, is going to take -- have to look at the issue again. i think sooner than they expected. and what they're going to be looking for -- even the justices who struck down that part of

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