going to hurt them in 2014. it's going to hurt them in 2016. because you don't know who your next door neighbor might be who happened to receive benefits from the department of labor. that's not something that's public knowledge. those people go into the voting booth. when their families go into the voting booth, they're going to remember who voted to deny them benefits they worked so hard for. if they were truly interested in gaining full employment in this country, they'd be investing in job training, investing in young people to get their geds. they would be investing in jobs out there that for the people who want to stay in the workforce a bit longer, they'd be investing in meaningful wages and jobs for real people. in fact, they tossed the president's jobs act right back at him and didn't even let it up for a vote. >> well, you said may hurt them politically. i'm more concerned about the people that it will hurt on saturday and going forward. that's who i'm concerned about being hurt. governor rendell and goldie