they're saying no just because they want to do anything to stop -- >> during the plan cancellation frenzy, this was my hobby horse. okay, fine, the people getting their plans canceled, i understand, that's frustrating and angry for them, but talk to people who are being denied medicaid expansion because they're frustrated, too. overcovered. >> in the last few months, the culture war stories, black santa, pajama boy and then "duck dynasty" over the past few days. >> oh, yeah, not like we did nine segments on them. >> i wrote a piece on "duck dynasty" on friday and on saturday -- >> you are milking it. >> those are my most popular stories of the year on any topic -- >> you're part of the problem, not part of the solution. >> and i'm going to quit writing about monetary policy and housing and just write about "duck dynasty." >> as ron burgundy says in the upcoming "anchorman 2," he says why do we have to give people the news they need rather than the news they want.