drug crimes. let me turn to charlie wrangle who's on views on drugs have evolved. you think this was the right thing for the president to do, to commute these sentences, an should he do more? >> i hope he does more. when i was prosecuting in the federal courts, we were going against drug cartels that were in turkey and france and when you had a good bust there, you could see the impact on the streets. now, everyone's an independent dealer and i have thought that the severe sentences would be a deterrent, but actually, it's really been a war against poor folks and people that didn't have lawyers and with mandatory sentences, it's been totally unfair. >> as you look back now as being one of those advocates, one of those prosecutors, one of those congressmen, you talked about pushing nixon, pushing reagan to have this war on drugs. do you look back with some kind of i don't know if regret was