used a debit card watch your checking account. you know it can be hard because sometimes you might not know exactly what's showing up. you can ask a question. you can call the bank and make sureful something isn't clear what you bought because we're shopping so much we might forget what we bought. that's the best safeguard, just being very careful. going forward, i personal liam thinking twice about using my -- certainly i'm not using my debit card at a gas station anymore. those are wide open so they can put devices on them and read all the numbers. atm machines too. >> maybe cash is the best way to go. jayne o'donnell, thanks so much. president obama is in hawaii right now for the holidays. before leaving washington he held his final news conference of the year. he addressed several key issues including the difficult roll out of the obamacare website. >> despite all the problems despite the website problems despite the messaging problems, despite all that, it's working.