read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. in pretenders tonight, slow pitch. sean hannity. the fox news team co-captain, dedicated a segment of his show to criticizing my colleague, chris matthews, one-on-one interview with president obama. >> the president sat down with his number-one fan, his number-one cheerleader, the guy that gets thrills up his leg every time he speaks, chris matthews, over there at nbc news. here's a small taste of what went on. >> we're almost done. i have to ask you a question you may not like the answer. >> wow. >> this could be tough. >> it's an essay question. >> okay. >> the qualities required of a president. vice president joe biden, former secretary of state hillary clinton. compare and contrast. >> not a chance am i going there. >> wow. there's a tough question. >> hannity, this is the same