has seen a lot of change in 25 years at the kent county jail in grand rapids. >> i'm very proud that i came to this jail at a time where the corrections industry in general but even this jail in particular was moving away from a culture of violence and a culture that demeaned the population and a culture that treats everybody with respect and humanely, understanding the inmates have their own set of problems that they present us with, but they're all humans and all need to be cared for as human beings. >> jail officials say one way they do that is to be responsive to inmate reports of threats or harassment. >> zack is one of the inmates that wrote one of the kites alleging issues with inmate sutherland. he's still in the same housing unit as he was. just wanted to let him know we're there if he has any questions or any other issues. a well-being check. >> hey, zack. >> how you doing. >> just want to make sure you're