that was building was stronger than what we frequently see around here. the rainfall was really good. >> winds are whipping and sheets of rain are pelting the enclosure. rita tries to record all the action. >> i was panning across the backyard. as i was doing that, i could see in the background the trees were just really bending over from the wind. and i thought, okay, i'm going to pan back over there so that i can maybe catch this tree, you know, really bending. watch this tree. it will start getting real windy in just a second. >> rita doesn't know just how spot-on her camerawork is about to be. >> oh -- >> an explosion of thunder and lightning sends rita scrambling for cover. >> it's, like, boom. i jumped in the house. my camera goes flailing around, and, you know, my mouth shouted out. oh -- [ muted ] it was so instantaneous that my body felt like the bass of a