football in the end zone. >> now, that second guy was the ally, the other two are republicans luke russert will unpack -- >> long time ally -- >> if you watch the show, you know eric cantor is down for the pound. luke, it seems like there are three wings emerging. a big deal to have any kind of incremental deal with iran. there are people loyal to the president who say great, this is something. there is a conspiracy caucus that said it is to distract from obama care, including republicans in the senate, which is weird and factually wrong or haven't offered evidence for that rather serious charge. then there's something more substantive we're hearing from republicans and democrats alike, the bad cop caucus of members of congress who say whatever this is, we're going to be here with a tough end game in six months. >> that's absolutely right, ari. really the way to look at this is that the president and