i went there. we found guard there who said when he was guarding the gold, he asked his supervisors, supervisors, there is for the gold, no bullets in my gun and the supervisors said to him, don't worry, you don't need any bullets. there is no gold, are you not guarding anything. i was like, this is false, what's the story? no one seen it since 1974. senator huddleston was there, he says, himself, i don't know if it's there anymore. so it's one of those great mysteries. we show you all the evidence in the book. you get to decide for yourself if it's in there t. question remain, if it's there, why not let a camera crew go in and see it. >> we find often that the truth is stranger than fiction. have you found the things you discovered are really fantastic in. >> you foe what, sometimes there is a conspiracy, sometimes there is not. someone that says it's the government the free masons is reckless about it.