even jackie kennedy at the time said her husband didn't even have the satisfaction of having been killed for civil rights. that instead it was this selly little communist. the idea that it was oswald just didn't sit well with people who thought surely it must be some bigger villain. but for secretary kerry and for many other people, the minute you start heading into the thickets of the conspiracies, you will get lost. there is no way out of that forest. so i'm not surprised that he at the present time want to get into any detail about who he thought the real culprit was. >> nancy, thank you. the new cover of "time" is the moment that changed america. nancy gibbs, thank you. coming up as i said, we'll talk live to secretary of state john kerry. also senator claire mccaskill will be here. and up next, a higher mission. >> i'm very happy that i'm getting a new leg and surgery to make my bones be much better. i don't have to have pain in my