quid pro quo, a lot of other things, expenses run up. what do you regret, what would you like to say? >> i said that i would do things a little differently now having the benefit of hindsight. i've worked hard tirelessly for 37 years to serve the people of america and virginia. i'm not perfect. i've made some mistakes. i acknowledged those. we returned the gift, paid back loans. and get up every day and do the best job i can. >> do you agree it looks like you abused the position? >> absolutely not. i love the office. >> how would you characterize it? >> i followed the law. i accepted gifts, a lot of other governors have done the same think. but in retrospect, i understand it undermined the trust of the people in me and that's why i made the changes that i did and why i apologized and why well recommend ethics reform changes in the law. >> that would certainly clarify it. if you follow what the law of virginia has been in the past,