work like a charm, that's my fault. that's something that i've got to do some examination of how that happened. >> joining me now, ben la pope, former press secretary for president obama's re-election campaign, now a founding partner of the insight agency. ben, are you surprised by two things -- one, what's happening substantively in the individual insurance market, in which there seems to be a fair amount of disruption. whether that's coming from the law or the insurance companies is one question. and are you surprised by the level of represstension and backlash there has been around those cancellations? >> i think, no doubt, it was a surprise to the administration. look, there was 60% churn in the individual market beforehand. in many ways, these were sort of wink and a nod plans. they said they covered you, but they had astronomical deductibles, and once you got sick, day dropped your coverage. and the goal of the affordable care act was to strengthen plans not on in that market, but