>> yeah. that hasn't been so successful. >> you said it can't break the strike. >> i think romney was the most moderate of all republicans last time. he wasn't the most radical. and george w. was not a right winger or dole or mccain. i don't think there's been a run of right wingers winning the nomination. >> no, but winning senate races. i think you'll continue to see that. what happens is usually the money and the establishment triumphs in the campaigns. >> quickly, what's the biggest headline virginia or new jersey tomorrow? what's the biggest headline nationwide? >> i think virginia just because new jersey was predictable. the republicans losing a state like virginia is much more of a man bites dog kind of story. >> thank you guy cecil and michelle goldberg. don't forget election day is tomorrow. polls close very early 7:00 eastern time. get there early. "hardball" will be quick with the results. we'll have the results here and the exit polling analysis. we'll have them, probably have a