thing. are you pro choice. that made you a non-starter with a wing with the republican party. >> that doesn't exist. >> that particular one doesn't. they still don't, the very hard right conservatives, the purist conservatives, he has i think about the highest negative numbers. that's where they are, the very hard right conservatives, again, these two elections come out the way it looks as if they're going to and the republicans lose virginia, which tra terribly does not elect a governor, the same party of the sitting president and we lose the demographics of women and minorities and chris christie wins in new jersey and he picks up women and minorities, particularly hispanics and black, then it's going to at least be pretty clear to people if you want to win obvious a national scale, you've got to appeal to more than just the very narrow base. >> the hard leaners in the republican party don't care about that. they don't care. there is going to be a civil war tore the nomination. he's not going to walk into the