to actually getting your insurance by november 30th, they will have enough time. and then perfecting it over the next year so it really is an amazon-like shopping experience, this it will be sort of history and the good benefits of the exchange, the competition it's induced, the cheap prices for a lot of coverage will be saved and i think that will be the ultimate benefit for the whole american population. >> but dr. emmanuel, any long-term concerns about this next point? because on these state exchanges most of those who have enrolled signed up for medicaid. reports show in washington, 87%, kentucky 82%, new york 64%. so what happens if not enough people sign up for insurance plans to fund all of these new medicaid patients. >> look, i think those numbers are largely irrelevant. and we should not be focusing on those numbers. the people who are going to buy insurance in the exchange having to plunk down a month of premium. and you're not going to doing