it is not about that. about fight from the right. it's getting hotter all the time. >> has doing that job become more difficult the more and more, i would assume, it has become more partisan, people are more full of b.s. quite frankly. >> you know. >> every show is different. all our producers know our job is -- is -- heat seeking. i admit it. go for the heat. fact driven. do both. go for the he. can't make it boring. driven by facts. we don't have a correction page like "the new york times." if we get a fact wrong. we are being dishonest and incompa tent. >> last night i want to an event. i ran into sally quinn. >> my buddy. >> i should ask you about the difference between public chris, private chris. private chris is very different from public chris. private chris doesn't commandeer the dinner conversation, he is very shy, he is very quiet. >> that's true. i think i am more a listener.