it's suddenly a benefit that is going to be rolling out to hundreds and thousands if not millions of people. and they are going to to like very quickly change the whole argument about obama care. if it works in january, february, march, and beyond, through 2014, it's going to be a much harder sell to run in the mid-terms on repealing or defunding obama care on the idea that this is such a terrible law. then you'll talk about taking a working health insurance system from hundreds of people and that's not going to be that popular. even those who oppose it who have friends and neighbors that benefit and suddenly they say, maybe this wasn't a great idea, but that doesn't mean we support repeal or defunding any longer. >> brian, some people might call it wanting to change the conversation. others might say, look, the president has to walk and chew gum, so when he wants to turn the conversation to immigration, it's not like don't look at