by the end of november. and some republicans starting to recognize that they are going to probably figure out this website thing. we need to have other avenues by which to attack the affordable care act. they want to return the conversation to certain people in states getting dropped off of their individual market coverage and things like that. in that light it seems like maybe the administration's confident that after this swell of stories about how bad things went at first, things will calm down and the website will get fixed and everybody who is making such a fuss about it in this week after the shutdown, will look a little bit ridiculous in hindsight and the discussion of immigration reform and talk in new york all about saying, we actually have this under control and i can focus on multiple things at once. >> brian, you had a great quote about this that you loved. you see republicans see this as the big chance to pour sugar into the vat of lemon juice that they have squeezed for themselves over the past few