there are showers in the forecast and the temperatures this morning are around 48 to 50. it won't get warmer. it will get cooler. so the baseball forecast of the world series game tonight, we will calm it cloudy, a little drizzle early. it should be ending. the wch won't be much of a factor. definitely a chilly, raw night there at fenway. it will be colder tomorrow night for game two. the winds will be gusting. the wch will be lower. >> that cold is right now settling over the mid-west. it's a cold morning out there. bundle the kids up, chicago, minneapolis, through the great lakes into the ohio valley, much of the southern half of the country, enjoy it. a beautiful day from dallas to atlanta to areas around denver. we're giving you a shot of fenway, most of this crew will be later on tonight rooting on their sox. are you watching "morning joe." mike rowe here

Related Keywords

It ,Baseball Forecast ,Showers ,World Series Game Tonight ,Temperatures ,Drizzle ,48 ,50 ,Wch Won T ,Fenway ,Factor ,Raw Night There ,Winds ,Swch ,Game Two ,Cold ,Mid West ,Chilly ,Gusting ,Two ,Country ,Shot ,Beautiful Day ,Half ,To Atlanta ,Chicago ,Minneapolis ,Great Lakes ,Ohio Valley ,Denver ,Dallas ,Morning Joe ,Sox ,Most ,Crew ,Mike Rowe ,

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